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Temporary Emails

Free API to identify and block disposable email addresses.

Try or

    "status": 200,
    "domain": "",
    "mx": true,
    "disposable": true,
    "public_domain": false,
    "did_you_mean": null

How it works

UserCheck is an API that can be integrated into your registration process to prevent users from signing up with a throwaway email.

This is very useful if you run a service that provides something for free to its users, as it prevents abuse.

UserCheck scans the Internet for new disposable domains and analyzes the domains that are sent to its API. It maintains an always up-to-date database that you can query.

UserCheck vs Alternatives

Open Source Lists

Up to date data

UserCheck constantly scans the web for new disposable domains.

New domains are added days or weeks after they are created, allowing many unwanted emails through.

Most alternative APIs do not proactively search for new domains, which means their data is never accurate.

Free to use

5,000 free requests per month.

Block temporary Gmail addresses

UserCheck is able to identify most temporary emails

Easy to set up

Add our API to your signup flow or use our WordPress plugin.

Using open source lists means you need to create the validation yourself and sync the lists regularly.



$0 /month

Forever free for small websites.

  • 5,000 requests per month
  • 120 requests per hour
  • Bulk email validation
  • Priority support
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$50 /month

For websites with large requirements.

  • 500,000 requests per month
  • 10,000 requests per hour
  • Bulk email validation
  • Priority support
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Say good bye to fake users

Block temporary emails with one API call.